Join Us
There are many ways to get involved with the CTMO. Explore the different ways you can can help the CTMO by donating your time and talents.
If you are interested in performing with the orchestra, please contact us to set up an audition.
The orchestra performs four concerts each season. We have four rehearsals on Tuesday evenings and concerts are on Saturday evenings. There is one dress rehearsal on Friday evening before each concert.
Rehearsals and concerts take place at Westover Hills Church of Christ in NW Austin.

The Central Texas Medical Orchestra requires volunteers in order to operate. There are several areas in which to contribute, only a few of which are listed below. If you are interested in becoming involved with the CTMO, please contact us.
Become a musician with CTMO! Audition to join the orchestra.
If you take pictures or videos at a performance or rehearsal, share them on our Facebook page or contact the CTMO to have them featured on our website and/or social media.
Assist in collecting donations/sponsorships
Assist in designing our posters and programs
Please contact the CTMO if you are interested in helping in these or any other areas.
We are not currently, please check back for future opportunities.