The Central Texas Medical Orchestra’s mission is to provide central Texas medical professionals with music fellowship and performance outlets that raise funds in support of local health-related nonprofit organizations. It’s an opportunity for outreach and to give back to the organizations who do so much for our health and community.

During one of his trips to M.D. Anderson Medical Center in Houston, TX where his daughter was undergoing cancer treatment, CTMO Founder and Executive Director, Walter Laich came upon a flyer about the Texas Medical Orchestra (TMO) based in Houston, TX.
After researching the mission and history of the TMO he returned home and began developing plans for forming a Medical Orchestra in Austin with his colleague Dr. Robert Radmer.
Formation of the Central Texas Medical Orchestra in 2012 combined Walter’s passions for classical music, nonprofit management, and medicine & health (he began his career as a medic in the US Air Force in the open-heart surgery ICU at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX).
The vision for the CTMO was that it would provide medical professionals the opportunity to once again play music they loved, develop camaraderie with like-minded medical professionals, and present orchestral performances that raised funds in support of medical nonprofits in the Austin community.
For those of you who give back to our community through your talents both in music and medicine, thank you!
PS. Walter’s daughter got the “all clear” in February, 2011 and has been cancer free since then.